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Investigations in Healthcare Interpreting
Brenda Nicodemus and September 2014
Studies in Interpretation, Volume 12 “This book illuminates critical features that comprise interpreted medical encounters and offers valuable contributions to the emerging specialty area of health care interpreting.” —Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
“Investigations in Healthcare Interpreting is a much-needed volume that brings together empirical studies of interpreter-mediated communication through spoken or sign languages in medical settings in different countries. All studies are unique in their foci, analytical frameworks, scope and depth of research while addressing common issues of interpreter-mediated communication in medical settings.” —Translation and Interpreting Studies
In healthcare, the accuracy of interpretation is the most critical component of safe and effective communication between providers and patients in medical settings characterized by language and cultural barriers. Although medical education should prepare healthcare providers for common issues they will face in practice, their training often does not adequately teach the communication skills necessary to work with patients who use interpreters. This new volume in the Studies in Interpretation series addresses critical topics in communication in healthcare settings around the world. Investigations in Healthcare Interpreting consists of ten chapters contributed by a broad array of international scholars. They address topics as diverse as the co-construction of medical conversation between interlocutors, healthcare interpretation in Ireland, and how interpreters make requests for clarification in their work. Using a variety of methodological approaches including ethnography, questionnaires, observation, and diary accounts, these scholars report on trials of simultaneous video interpreting in Austrian hospitals; direct, interpreted, and translated healthcare information for Australian deaf people; the interpretation of medical interview questions from English into ASL; and specialized psychological/psychiatric diagnostic tests for deaf and hard of hearing clients. Researchers, practitioners, and students, as well as all healthcare professionals, will find this volume to be an invaluable resource. Brenda Nicodemus is an associate professor in the Department of Interpretation and director of the Interpretation and Translation Research Center at Gallaudet University. Melanie Metzger is a professor and chair of the Department of Interpretation at Gallaudet University. Print Edition: ISBN 978-1-56368-612-2, ISSN 1545-7613, 6 x 9 casebound, 390 pages, 19 tables, 24 figures $42.50s E-Book: ISBN 978-1-56368-614-6 $42.50 To order by mail, print our Order Form or call:TEL 1-800-621-2736; (773) 568-1550 8 am - 5 pm CST |