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![]() A Quarterly Journal Edited by Erin Wilkinson and Pilar Piñar
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Articles and essays are welcomed from all countries. All submissions must be in English. Contributors should submit papers electronically to SLS.Journal@gallaudet.edu and deirdre.mullervy@gallaudet.edu. A manuscript will be accepted for review on the condition that it has not been published or is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. Once an article is accepted, the author will be asked to assign copyright to the Publisher in order to protect the article from copyright infringement. The Publisher will not refuse any reasonable request by authors for permission to reproduce their contribution to Sign Language Studies. Length. Manuscripts can be between 8,000–10,000 words including the references. After an article has been accepted, the author will be asked to send the final version as an attachment to an email with the article saved in Word or Rich Text Format. Format. The title of the article/essay and the author’s name, affiliation, and contact information (including email address) should be on page 1. This is the only page where the author’s name should appear. Tables and Figures. All tables and figures should be mentioned in the text, should include a title or caption, and should be numbered consecutively. Tables should not be embedded in the running text but appended at the end of the article. Figures should not be embedded in the file with the text. They should be submitted as separate files in the format they were created. Do not embed the figures in a Word document. All figures should be in reproducible form, with type that is clearly legible at a reduction of 50 percent. Endnotes and Footnotes. Footnotes should be used sparingly and should be numbered consecutively. Endnotes should also be numbered consecutively and should follow the form detailed in The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS), 17th ed. Endnotes should be placed together in a section following the main body of the text. References. All sources cited in the text should appear in the reference list at the end of the chapter. Text citations should include the author, year of publication, and page number, where applicable: (Wilcox 2000, 120). Books and articles listed in the references should take the following form:
For other types of citations, consult The CMOS, 17th ed. Permissions. Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reprint tables, figures, illustrations, and large extracts. Copies of the permission letters must accompany the manuscript. Proofs. One set of proofs will be sent to the lead author. Contributors are responsible for proofreading and returning the proofs within three days of receipt. Graphics. Please submit all graphics in a size that is clearly legible when reduced 50 percent. Please note that all graphics must be in grayscale or black and white. Color graphics are not acceptable. Line art should be saved in files separate from the article, preferably in Adobe Illustrator.eps files. Photographs should be scanned as TIFF or PNG files—do not send them as JPEGs. Please make a separate file for each graphic submitted. Do not embed the graphic in a Word document (this reduces resolution and will affect how well the graphic appears on the printed page). When scanning line art or halftones onto disk for submission, please scan to 300 dpi. This is the minimum resolution required for good printing results. |